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About This Wish

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A Nintendo Switch for David who loves video games

Posted Nov 12, 2020
David would absolutely love a Nintendo Switch for the holidays. He said he would even share it with his sister! David would like more indoor activities now that it is getting colder and this is the perfect wish since he loves video games!

David is 11 years old and lives in CA

David loves playing video games and spending time with his sister. He is very active and loves to be outside! He entered foster care when he was 4 years old and has been with the same foster family ever since. He is an awesome brother and really looks up to his sister.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for David! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi David, Happy Holidays and Healthy Happy New Year. Your friend, Steve"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Penny Lane Centers, Foster & Relative Care for David.

David receives the wish from Penny Lane Centers

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