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LOL Surprise! Clubhouse Playset for J'Oine who loves to sing and dance

Posted Nov 17, 2020
J'Oine is wishing for her own LOL Doll Clubhouse that comes with two exclusive LOL Dolls. She is obsessed with LOL dolls and has a ton of fun with them. She puts on creative performances with all of her dolls as singers or dancers. When the performances are finished, she always sets down the dolls to clap for herself. She knows how to put on a great show! She would love to have this clubhouse so her dolls have a place to rest after their exhausting performances. This wish would make her Christmas extra special this year!

J'Oine is 10 years old and lives in NJ

J'Oine is a wonderful, imaginative, sweet little girl! She loves to dance, sing, and draw. Her favorite colors are pink and purple which is very clear when you meet her! When J'Oine grows up, she wants to be a teacher so she can help other kids learn in a fun way! If teaching doesn't work out, her back-up career choice is to be a mermaid.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Center for Child and Family Achievement for J'Oine.

J'Oine receives the wish from Center for Child and Family Achievement

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