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A Dragon Ball Z Action Figure for Sophia who loves to play with her siblings

Posted Nov 23, 2020
Sophia wishes for a Dragon Ball Z action figure that she can play with this holiday season. She loves to watch the show with her brother and they'd have a ton of fun playing with their new characters together! She'd be so excited to have her own powerful character that she can keep with her at all times and play with whenever she wants.

Sophia is 12 years old and lives in CA

Sophia is always in a bright and bubbly mood. She is very thoughtful and caring. She enjoys playing with her toys and letting her imagination take over. She has tons of fun playing with her four biological siblings who all currently live in the same foster home. Sophia always keeps a positive attitude and warms up the room with her smile!

The Wish Story

A Greater Hope requests this wish for Sophia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Sophia! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the A Greater Hope for Sophia.

Sophia receives the wish from A Greater Hope

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