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About This Wish

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A Target gift card for Ivan to make himself at home

Posted Nov 23, 2020
Ivan would love a gift card to Target so he can purchase his very own cozy bed in a bag to sleep under the warm covers during the winter season. He would like to purchase his own cleaning supplies for his room so he can keep it the way he wants, clean and pest free. This will also provide food for him over the holiday season.

Ivan is 23 years old and lives in CA

Ivan is an amazing young man who is residing in a transitional housing program where he is doing well. Ivan has grown up in foster care and has always been committed to being responsible, well mannered, thoughtful, and hardworking. He has focused on his education and is less than year away from attaining his high school diploma. His dream is to start his own landscaping business and he is eager to begin working. Ivan is a self-taught and motivated young man who likes to make others smile and is hopeful to earn a bright future.

The Wish Story

Walden Family Services requests this wish for ivan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Elena grants the wish for ivan! Thanks Elena .

"Happy Holidays! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Walden Family Services for ivan.

Walden Family Services receives the wish!

ivan receives the gift from Walden Family Services!

"Youth stated "this is the perfect gift that could be given to me because ii can use it to buy items for my place to look more welcoming and cozy ! I will definitely budget before going into the store so that I can buy everything I need and save a little room to buy a few groceries as well! this is amazing! thank you so much!""

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