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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Mall Shopping Trip for Maddie who has only been to the mall once

Posted Nov 30, 2020
Maddie wishes for her own shopping spree at her local mall for Christmas this year. She would love to pick out some new clothes for school that she feels confident and cute in! This shopping trip will help her feel like a 'normal' teen girl which is often all she wants. She has only been to the mall once and she had a ton of fun. She would love to have another special shopping experience!

Maddie is 21 years old and lives in NC

Maddie is caring and considerate. She often thinks more about others needs than herself. She has not had much of a chance to be a normal young lady due to sickness and poverty. She often befriends adults because they help her feel secure. Maddie loves her cat and volunteers with the local animal society when she can to just help take care of the neglected animals.

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes requests this wish for Maddie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jennifer grants the wish for Maddie! Thanks Jennifer.

"Maddie, I hope you have lots of fun shopping and find some great things! Happy holidays and best wishes to you!! Love, Jen"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes for Maddie.

Maddie receives the wish from Foster Parent Association of Wilkes

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