Sensemilla is a hard working young woman who had a rough time in her childhood. She is determined to make the most of what she has and is fighting to better her life. She enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and is excited to build a life together.
Foster Alumni Mentors requests this wish for Sensemillia.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Sensemillia! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Congratulations! I hope your gift helps you with your new baby. Best of luck to you. Happy holidays!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Alumni Mentors for Sensemillia.
Foster Alumni Mentors receives the wish!
Sensemillia receives the gift from Foster Alumni Mentors!
" I want to say how appreciative I am for being gifted a pump for Christmas. I am becoming a first time parent and it has not been an easy ride, my husband and I can not work as much as we can due to me being in and out of the hospital these last 9 months so when it came to the end of my pregnancy I worried about what I was to do to get the things I would need to make sure I was ready for my son. When I got the message that someone so kindly gave me my wish for the pump I was so grateful. This is a great help to my family and we thank you so much, I hope the holidays are wonderful and full of joy for you and your family."