See the wishes needed this week!

About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Give now, Grant Later - help us spread the love all year long

Posted Dec 24, 2020
Wow! Santa's sleigh is full! So many holiday wishes are being granted, in record time! Now we also want to begin focusing on providing support to foster youth and young adults the other 11 months of the year. This winter in particular we will be focusing on aged-out foster youth who will be challenged by isolation, decreased employment opportunities and limited education options. Grant this wish and it will be added to a fund that will meet the basic needs of aged-out foster youth throughout 2021. With this fund, when an essential need arises (utility bills, car payments, laptops for distance learning) we will be able to act quickly to fill the wish!

A Special Child is 15 years old and lives in NJ

This Wish will be for a child or young adult impacted by the foster care system.

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for A Special Child! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I made this donation to honor my dad who passed away 2 years ago at Christmas time....he grew up very poor and with out parents ...they were separated by WWII...but my dad never lost his faith that things would work out for him...and that is what I wish for you...never lose your faith that things can and will get better....stay strong ...if you always do the right thing you will never go wrong!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for A Special Child.

One Simple Wish receives the wish!

A Special Child receives the gift from One Simple Wish!

"Thank you so much for donating towards a wish! Because of your generous donation, One Simple Wish was able to ensure every wish was granted this holiday season! You Rock! "

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