Pull ups and wipes for Frankie who just started potty training
Posted Feb 2, 2021
Frankie is currently in the early stages of toilet training. He still wears pulls ups but is going through them fairly quickly. He recently moved to Las Vegas with his mother, a former foster youth. His mother escaped a dangerous and abusive situation to keep herself, Frankie and his siblings safe. His mother is doing her best to provide for him but finances are extremely tight. Having pull ups and wipes for Frankie would be a huge help and weight lifted off of her shoulders.
Alliance for Children's Rights requests this wish for Frankie.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Frankie! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Alliance for Children's Rights for Frankie.
Alliance for Children's Rights receives the wish!
Frankie receives the gift from Alliance for Children's Rights!
"Thank you so much, being a single parent is hard this helps so much!"