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New clothes and toys for Ellie who loves to play dress-up

Posted Mar 10, 2021
Ellie was an emergency placement into foster care, and she doesn't have any of belongings of her own. She was picked up from the hospital by her foster family after being treated for injuries sustained in a car accident. Ellie is a sweet, wonderful little girl, and she would love to pick out some new toys and clothes of her very own.

Ellie is 7 years old and lives in OH

Ellie came in as an emergency placement. She is developmentally on target and is sweet as can be. She was in a car accident recently that brought her into care and she's been doing well since the accident. She loves playing dress up, hanging out with foster mom and sisters and is polite as can be.

The Wish Story

Jamie grants the wish for Ellie! Thanks Jamie.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Necco for Ellie.

Necco receives the wish!

Ellie receives the gift from Necco !

"Ellie was able to get play washable make up, a princess tent and Elsa and Anna dolls."

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