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A Proloquo2Go Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) iPad app to help Nathanael communicate

Posted Apr 20, 2021
Due to school being virtual for the past year, Nathanael's teachers have been teaching through the communications application Proloque2Go and thanks to his parents advocacy he is currently being evaluated for a communication device through his school district. His teacher and his therapist have suggested the family obtain the communications app for Nathanael to be able to use at home so that he can continue his learning beyond the classroom and practice communication skills with his family. The family has tried a variety of methods in order to obtain this app, but have thus far been unsuccessful. The family's finances are constrained due to his other needs, a lot of which is not covered by their insurance. Despite their efforts they have not been able to afford to purchase this for Nathanael. If his wish is granted, Nathanael and his family will be incredibly grateful and extremely excited as it will help him in school and help him to communicate more effectively at home, which will improve everyone's quality of life. Nathanael has so much he wants to express and share with his family and granting this wish will open up a whole new world to him.

Nathanael is 12 years old and lives in NJ

Nathanael has a very supportive and tight-knit family, who also receives support from their religious community. He was born with Down Syndrome and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder while still a toddler. Nathanael has an older sister, who shows amazing love, care, and patience with him. Nathanael's parents work extremely hard to continually educate themselves on Nathanael's needs and they are amazing advocates for him in all areas. Nathanael's father says that what Nathanael lacks in stature, he makes up with his big personality. He is non-verbal and oftentimes gets frustrated when learning, communicating, and trying to express his feelings. One of his favorite things to do is play with the family dog. He also enjoys watching and playing games on his tablet. Nathanael's family recently celebrated his feat of learning how to ride his bike, and they enjoy watching him ride and the joyous expression he has while doing so.

The Wish Story

Capitol County Children's Collaborative requests this wish for Nathanael.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Nathanael! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi, As someone who has used this app I hope it helps ease some of the communication difficulties. Enjoy ! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Capitol County Children's Collaborative for Nathanael.

Nathanael receives the wish from Capitol County Children's Collaborative

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