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About This Wish

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A Laptop for Romelia to help her finish high school

Posted May 11, 2021
Romelia is a remarkable young woman who just finished her senior year of high school. Romelia has been accepted to several colleges near her home and is looking forward to pursuing her dreams. Romelia is undecided about her major because she is torn between studying architecture or culinary arts. Romelia intends to continue her education because she wants a better life for her son. In order to pursue her dreams, she will need her own laptop. Since Romelia's transportation is a major concern, she would have to take online classes. Those online courses will require a laptop to enter the classroom and keep up with assignments. Romelia and her son will be eternally grateful for your support.

Romelia is 22 years old and lives in NM

Romelia became a mother at a young age, but it was this experience that inspired her to achieve greatness. Romelia has been on her own since she was fourteen years old, but she has worked hard to finish high school and care for her son. She graduated from high school this year after growing up in foster care and being a young mother. Romelia has been accepted to a few of the colleges in New Mexico and is excited about her new journey. Romelia is undecided about her potential career path because she is torn between pursuing architecture and culinary arts. In her spare time she enjoys pastel oils, writing, and playing with her son.

The Wish Story

Children, Youth, and Families Department requests this wish for Romelia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children, Youth, and Families Department for Romelia.

Romelia receives the wish from NM CYFD - McKinley County

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