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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

An Oculus VR Gaming System for Greyson who deserves an amazing surprise

Posted Jul 13, 2021
Greyson has shared over the past year that he wants an Oculus Gaming System for him and his foster brother to play with together. He recently shared that he is going to try and save up his own money for this and suspects that it will maybe take him another year or so. Granting this wish for Greyson would be an amazing surprise to honor his patience and dedication. When Greyson's case worker shared with him that wishes can be submitted through One Simple Wish, he couldn't believe that people were so kind to get gifts for kids that they don't even know. So from Greyson and his case worker, if someone out there is able to help, thank you! This will mean the absolute world to him.

Greyson is 18 years old and lives in CO

Greyson is a kind and quirky boy who is currently living in a foster home without his 2 siblings. Though being in foster care for the past several years has been tough on Greyson he has remained resilient and courageous! His favorite hobbies include video games, hanging out with his foster brother, and swimming. Although he can be very shy at first, he really enjoys being around people and making friends with anyone who is willing and open to his sweet and goofy personality.

The Wish Story

The Adoption Exchange requests this wish for Greyson.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Greyson! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hey Greyson! From the short description that I got to read, seems like you are a strong and fantastic person and it is inspiring! I hope you enjoy this present, which you absolutely deserve. Cheers, Harsha. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Adoption Exchange for Greyson.

Greyson receives the wish from Raise The Future

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