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School supplies for Alyssa’s upcoming school year

Posted Jul 15, 2021
Alyssa is in need of school supplies for this upcoming school year. She is hoping to get some new notebooks, folders, binders, and pens, all in her favorite color. Let’s help Alyssa start off on the right foot in August! She will be much more excited for her first day with all her new supplies.

Alyssa is 16 years old and lives in GA

Alyssa is currently in care with her sibling in relative care. Alyssa is your typical teen girl who like to hang out with friends, shop, and stay active. She has a huge smile and likes to meet new people. When she grows up she wants to help people.

The Wish Story

Coweta CASA requests this wish for Alyssa.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kailli grants the wish for Alyssa! Thanks Kailli.

"I hope you have a wonderful first day of school!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Coweta CASA for Alyssa.

Alyssa receives the wish from CASA GA - Coweta County

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