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A Tablet for Fatima the artist

Posted Jul 20, 2021
Fatima loves creating digital art and would love a tablet to be able to draw and keep all her creations in one place as she transfers placements frequently.

Fatima is 16 years old and lives in CA

Fatima is extremely resilient and intelligent. She recently experienced a serious tragedy and is living with a foster family, but she continues to be bright, creative, and fun loving. Fatima is an artist and a creator. She loves to draw, make costumes, make slime, sing, and perform. She has an endless love for animals of all kinds. Fatima has a playful and curious spirit that charms those around her.

The Wish Story

San Francisco Court Appointed Special Advocates requests this wish for Fatima.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Connie grants the wish for Fatima! Thanks Connie.

"I hope you enjoy your gift. I have a 12-year-old granddaughter who loves to draw like you!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the San Francisco Court Appointed Special Advocates for Fatima.

Fatima receives the wish from CASA CA - San Francisco County

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