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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

New Bedding for Danesha's new bed

Posted Aug 10, 2021
Danesha is moving into her first apartment and needs bedding for her new bed! This is her first big step towards independence and she is so excited about the move. Granting this wish will allow her to have a comfy place to sleep each night.

Danesha is 24 years old and lives in NC

Danesha is attending a local community college and has already obtained a degree in Arts. She is going to begin studying to earn her degree in science this fall. She recently signed a lease for her first apartment and is looking forward to self-stability!

The Wish Story

Foster Pantry Inc. requests this wish for Danesha.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Danesha! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Danesha, You are on such a great path, so keep up the great work! Remember to give yourself grace. There will be tough days in school. And you don’t have to have life figured out by 22 or 25 or 30! We are so happy to help you. You have overcome so much already, and you are a strong, smart woman. God has great plans for you!! Last, I picked you because you’re from NC. My husband is from NC, and he swears it’s the best state. :) Hugs from GA! Lindsay "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Pantry Inc. for Danesha.

Foster Pantry Inc. receives the wish!

Danesha receives the gift from Foster Pantry Inc.!

"Thank you for supporting Denesha as she moves into her new apartment. She was excited to recieve the gift card and says the bedding makes it feel more like home! "

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