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About This Wish

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A Bike for Richard who loves to play outside.

Posted Dec 20, 2021
Richard loves being outside and staying active. Richard's foster mom recently shared how much Richard would enjoy having a bike to ride around with his friends. She's hoping to be able to surprise him with a bike for Christmas!

Richard is 18 years old and lives in CO

Richard is an amazing boy who is currently living in a foster home without his 4 siblings. Though foster care has been tough on Richard he has remained hopeful about his future and remained focused on his aspiration of being in the NFL or NBA. He is bold, funny, and energetic with a very big heart. Many people say you feel his presence in the room before you even see him!

The Wish Story

Raise The Future requests this wish for Richard.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kristen grants the wish for Richard! Thanks Kristen.

"My kids love getting to bike to school and explore Colorado’s great bike trails - we hope you have a fantastic time with your new bike! All our best, and Merry Christmas!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Raise The Future for Richard.

Richard receives the wish from Raise The Future

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