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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Cowgirl boots for Analisa who likes to boogie

Posted Nov 29, 2021
Analisa is asking that this wish is granted to her because she likes the style and look of this item. She would like to have a pair of boots as she has not had a pair before. She will be able to wear this item with a very versatile piece of clothing selection. Analisa is asking that this item is granted to her for Christmas.

Analisa is 13 years old and lives in TX

Analisa is a sweet, loving, caring, and helpful young child in kinship placement. She loves to help her grandmother with her siblings. Analisa is very protective of her younger siblings. She is learning that she can live and enjoy her childhood and not have to "be the mother role", as she has for some time. She enjoys reading, playing on her tablet, being allowed to dress up, and having fun. Analisa loves playing soccer when she is outdoors.

The Wish Story

Department of Family and Protective Services requests this wish for Analisa.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Maryann grants the wish for Analisa! Thanks Maryann.

"Analisa - Enjoy the cowgirl boots and wear them in good health! Merry Christmas"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Family and Protective Services for Analisa.

Department of Family and Protective Services receives the wish!

Analisa receives the gift from Department of Family and Protective Services!

"On behalf of Analisa, we would like to thank you for granting her this wish. She will be so happy while she is two-stepping in her new boots. "

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