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About This Wish

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A Bike for Donna who loves to ride her bike for exercise

Posted Nov 29, 2021
Donna loves to be able to explore the outdoors around her foster home. She is always walking the bike trails, and it would be so awesome for her to have an actual bike to ride the trails. It will give her a great means of exercise because bike riding has become quite a passionate hobby for her. She will be thrilled to see this under the tree on Christmas morning.

Donna is 17 years old and lives in CO

Donna is a social butterfly, and very creative and talented in sculpturing and painting. She is very interested in charity and is looking for opportunities to volunteer. She is a good student and proud of her good grades. Most of all, Donna is great at reasoning and thinking things through. She is considerate of others and loves to make people feel welcome.

The Wish Story

Foster Source requests this wish for Donna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Donna! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you enjoy the freedom of being on a bike. Get to explore a little more than just where you could walk to. The world got so much bigger when I got my first bike. Merry Christmas"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Source for Donna.

Donna receives the wish from Foster Source

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