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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Professional Camera for Zi'Aya who wants to be a photographer.

Posted Dec 3, 2021
Zi'Aja is a beautiful being but hated how they looked. They never wanted to take pictures and it was hard for them to look at themselves in the mirror. Zi'Aja is receiving the support they need in overcoming their challenges. Zi'Aja wants to be a photographer, by granting this wish we will not only be supporting their dreams but also supporting them with self love as well. Through their therapy they can now look in the mirror and see themselves as a beautiful being.

Zi'Aja is 18 years old and lives in NJ

Zi'Aja is a great young person who overcame so many obstacles in life. They have also battle with their identity and struggle to fit in and live up to others expectations. Zi'Aja is a beautiful being but hated how they looked. They never wanted to take pictures and it was hard for them to look at themselves in the mirror. When sharing their view with others they were degraded, which lead to depression and them wanting to commit suicide. Zi'Aja received the helped they needed and continue utilizing their resources. Zi'Aja is now comfortable in their skin. They now know they want to be a photographer. Now when Zi'Aja looks in the mirror, they see the beautiful person they have always been.

The Wish Story

Family Services requests this wish for Zi'Aja.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

The Laurie O'Brian Wish Fund grants the wish for Zi'Aja! Thanks The Laurie O'Brian Wish Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Family Services for Zi'Aja.

Zi'Aja receives the wish from Oaks Integrated Care

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