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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Cube Fidget Spinner Puzzle for Carl to go in his Christmas stocking

Posted Dec 3, 2021
Carl wishes for a cube fidget spinner puzzle to go in his Christmas stocking. This will be a fun gadget to stick in his pocket and work on any time he has to sit around and be patient. This will keep his hands and brain busy and interacting in a positive way.

Carl is 19 years old and lives in NC

Carl is an easy-going country boy who loves spending time in nature. He has a natural inclination towards outdoor activities and takes pleasure in keeping busy around his home. When he feels like taking a break, he enjoys watching TV, which is one of his favorite pastimes.

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes requests this wish for Carl.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Carl! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Carl! Happy holidays! Enjoy your fidget spinner puzzle. Sending you holiday cheer from California! Warmly, Hannah"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes for Carl.

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes receives the wish!

Carl receives the gift from Foster Parent Association of Wilkes!

"Hannah, Thank you so much for caring and making a difference for Carl. He is enjoying his new fidget spinner so much. He wants you to know he loves it! ??"

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