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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Video Game for Mican who enjoys playing online with friends

Posted Dec 14, 2021
Mican would like new video game to play. Mican likes playing games with friends or alone. Mican's favorite games are quest games. He likes the challenge of starting a new quest and mastering it. Mican may seem shy but he make friends very easily. He has numerous gaming friends.

Mican is 14 years old and lives in CA

Mican is a studious young boy who likes school very much. His favorite subjects are science, geography and math. Mican is currently in foster care and has managed to keep his grades up. He is involved in his academics by asking his teachers for extra credit work when he misses time at school. Although, Mican can be shy he has a very awesome small group of friends at school. They enjoy talking about anime.

The Wish Story

Penny Lane Centers requests this wish for Mican.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Christian's Treasure Chest grants the wish for Mican! Thanks Christian's Treasure Chest.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Penny Lane Centers for Mican.

Penny Lane Centers receives the wish!

Mican receives the gift from Penny Lane Centers !

"Penny Lane Centers thanks you for granting Mican's wish!"

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