A New Bunk Bed for Kahara who is relocating with her sisters to a kinship care placement
Posted Jan 16, 2022
Kaharan will once again be moving to another foster home. She had been reunited with her mother, but is now going to the home of a family member. With all three girls moving in, they will need to make the most of their space, and have decided a bunkbed will be the best for their new room. Kaharan is happy she will be sharing her space with her sister, and is hopeful having her there will help with this next transition.
Alliance for Children's Rights requests this wish for Kahara.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Kahara! Thanks Awesome Human.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Alliance for Children's Rights for Kahara.
Kahara receives the wish from Alliance for Children's Rights