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A Set of Legos for Nickolas who enjoys building complicated Lego sets

Posted Jan 21, 2022
Nickolas has been working exceptionally hard at making progress behaviorally and academically. He has done very well and could use something really enjoyable to do in the little down time that he has. This Bugatti Chiron Car Lego Set is very intricate, and will bring him hours of enjoyment. Once it is done, he plans to display it in his room, and show off his hard work.

Nickolas is 22 years old and lives in AZ

Nickolas has been working exceptionally hard and has made great progress. His behavior has improved substantially in his group home and he has earned the highest behavior level again. Nickolas is engaging with his service providers and making great academic progress in school. He will be graduating high school this year and his mentors are helping him learn about what it takes to move out on his own. Nickolas absolutely LOVES everything about cars including working on them and cleaning them.

The Wish Story

Sylvinie Norwood requests this wish for Nickolas.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Account grants the wish for Nickolas! Thanks *OSW Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Sylvinie Norwood for Nickolas.

Nickolas receives the wish from Department of Child Safety

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