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A Goat Simulator Video Game for Kristen because she’s really enjoying game time during the cold weather

Posted Feb 21, 2022
Kristen wishes for a goat simulator video game because she has found that gaming is really fun for her when she is stuck inside. This game will give her a fun activity to do during her free time after her homework is done.

Kristen is 18 years old and lives in NC

Kristen is an inquisitive young lady who is always interested in what is going on.  She is always looking, watching, and listening.  Kristen is much older than her age suggests. She loves spending time with friends, having sleepovers, and painting her nails. She also really likes to help around the house. 

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes requests this wish for Kristen.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Robert grants the wish for Kristen! Thanks Robert.

"Enjoy your game! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes for Kristen.

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes receives the wish!

Kristen receives the gift from Foster Parent Association of Wilkes!

"Robert, Kristen is having a blast with her new game. She thinks it is much fun and it’s really motivating her to get her homework done so she can play. Thank you so much for caring and making a difference for her."

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