Claudiane, who prefers to be called Angel, is a determined and responsible young woman. Since the age of 14, she had been involved with DCF and lived in a variety of foster homes. At 18, she applied for a Voluntary Placement Agreement and began her transition to living as an adult. She sees her DCF caseworker as the only family she has and she cherishes the relationship. Through the help from DCF, she has managed to live an independent adult lifestyle and is so proud to have recently become a citizen of the United States. Angel currently attends Mass Bay Community College and her goal is to become a travel nurse and a mentor as she has benefitted immensely from great mentorship. She loves to cook and help others in any way she can, spreading the love, kindness, and her knowledge.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Claudanie! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Claudanie.
Think of Us receives the wish!
Claudanie receives the gift from Think of Us!
"I came to One Simple Wish for support because I was overwhelmed and had no other option. I have never really had people to depend on in the past besides DCF. I am very independent and don’t feel comfortable asking people for help. I have lived alone and taken care of all my bills since I left foster care years ago. Unfortunately, I was out of work for a year due to covid and this affected me financially. Things were difficult, but I tried to stay positive and figure things out just as I have always done in the past. I received a termination notice from my electric provider, and I was afraid to have my light shut off because of the backlog of bills I had. Although I had gradually started making these payments, it was still overwhelming and seemed like it only kept increasing. Now that One Simple Wish has helped me settle this bill, it feels like a huge burden is off me. My goal is to work harder, plan my finances better, save some more, and make sure I never get to that point again. I am very grateful. Thank you, One Simple Wish, for making my wishes come true."