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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A New Desk so that Maria can have a peaceful place to study for school

Posted Apr 11, 2022
Maria will be transitioning to virtual education and will need a larger space to be able to complete her homework and study. At the moment, she does not have a resource parent to support her in getting the furniture she needs. Please support Maria in her educational goals!

Maria is 19 years old and lives in NM

Maria is an incredibly caring young woman who is currently experiencing placement in different foster homes and is having a hard time finding stability. With that being said, she is determined to focus on her goals of independence, reconnecting with her biological family, and also enjoying her adolescence!

The Wish Story

New Mexico CYFD requests this wish for Maria.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Maria! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Maria, I am so proud of you for pursuing your educational goals! Reach for the moon and don't ever give up, even when it's hard. You've already come this far! With hard work, education, smart decisions, and saving money when you get a job someday, you can reach your goals and live a wonderfully fulfilling life. I'm rooting for you!! Whenever you sit down at your new desk, and wherever you go in life, remember that people care about you and believe in you. Go for your dreams!! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the New Mexico CYFD for Maria.

Maria receives the wish from NM CYFD - Bernalillo County

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