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About This Wish

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A New Bike for Lance who has just learned to ride without training wheels

Posted Apr 22, 2022
Lance loves to ride his bike up and down the street. Lance worked hard to teach himself how to ride without training wheels by practicing every day after school. Even though Lance would fall down he would get right back on the two wheel bike until he was able to ride without falling down. He now needs a bigger two wheeled bike, and it will be a perfect reward for all of Lance's hard work learning to ride independently.

Lance is 8 years old and lives in VA

Lance is a quiet and smart little boy who is currently living in a foster home without his two siblings. He is working through his trauma and has come a long way. Lance will now allow his foster mother to to hug him. Lance is a little behind in school but with all the extra support he receives he will be grade level next semester. He loves to watch transformers on is kindle while he eats a snack.

The Wish Story

Chesapeake Human Services requests this wish for Lance.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jacob grants the wish for Lance! Thanks Jacob.

"Congrats on learning how to ride a bike! I hope you enjoy your new one!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Chesapeake Human Services for Lance.

Lance receives the wish from VA DSS - Chesapeake City County

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