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About This Wish

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A Pretty Pair of Shoes for Joslin who needs a fresh start

Posted May 13, 2022
Joslin came into care with the shirt on her back, holes in her shoes and jeans too small for her long legs. Joslin also came into care with five other siblings in the same condition. Their foster parents are trying their best, and her case manager would love for Joslin to start school with some new clothes and shoes. Joslin would feel so much more confident and happy and feel like she is fitting in with her peers.

Joslin is 12 years old and lives in NE

Joslin is an artistic amazing loving young lady who goes out of her way to make everyone smile. Joslin loves the warm weather and playing with puppies. Joslin loves her siblings, going to the park and eating mac and cheese. Joslin is an avid reader who enjoys the exploits of harry potter. Joslin is working really hard to overcome her past and doing an amazing job of moving forward.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Joslin! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hope you find a fantastic pair of new shoes!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Nebraska children and family services for Joslin.

Nebraska children and family services receives the wish!

Joslin receives the gift from Nebraska children and family services!

"Joslin was so happy to go shopping and pick out her very own new clothes. Thank you for your kind gift"

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