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A New Laptop Backpack to keep her Chromebook protected

Posted May 26, 2022
Ra'Mya would really appreciate a new laptop back pack for her birthday to keep her Chromebook safe. This will also help her stay organized for school. Ra'Mya travels back and forth to school, and she wants to make sure all of her belongings are safe and sound. This will also be a practical birthday gift for her.

Ra’Mya is 18 years old and lives in IN

Ra’Mya is a bright and responsible teen. She resides in foster care along with her infant child. She was abandoned by her parents several months ago. Ra’Mya is motivated and recently decided to return to school and is making progress on learning skills to help her have a brighter future for herself and her child.

The Wish Story

Indiana Department of Child Services requests this wish for Ra’Mya.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Ra’Mya! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Happy Birthday! We are an Apple family and want to help you protect yours. Education is so important. I know a woman who made a video about "A Thing of Beauty" and hers is A GIRL IN SCHOOL. How awesome is that! YOU are beautiful!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Indiana Department of Child Services for Ra’Mya.

Ra’Mya receives the wish from Indiana Department of Child Services

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