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About This Wish

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A Disney Gift Card for Damian who is going on his first vacation later this year

Posted Jul 29, 2022
Damian is wishing for a Disney gift card to go towards the cost of the Disney trip he is planning on going on with his foster mother and brothers. Damian is very excited about this trip and can't wait to experience his first big vacation along with his biological and foster siblings. They plan on going to several parks and see as much as possible during this trip. Damian is also hoping to eat at some of the Disney restaurants as well and a gift card will help to ensure Damian gets the most out of his amazing vacation!

Damian is 14 years old and lives in RI

Damian (DJ) is an active and fun loving child who has been in foster care for several years. DJ currently lives with one of his younger brothers and three other foster brothers. DJ has been adjusting to life as a middle child as opposed to being the eldest, but he has done an amazing job. He tries to make sure everyone gets a fair chance in any game they play and splits his time evenly so he can form positive relationships with the other boys. DJ does well in school and enjoys seeing his friends. When he is not in class, DJ can be found outside, playing basketball or football with his brothers.

The Wish Story

North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program requests this wish for Damian.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Damian! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Damian I hope you have a great time at Disney! Be sure to stop every once in awhile to take it all in:) It is so magical! My favorite ride is Space Mountain and I love eating at Cosmic Ray’s. Enjoy your trip!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program for Damian.

North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program receives the wish!

Damian receives the gift from North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program!

"Thank you so much for granting Damian's wish! His foster (now adoptive!) mother was so appreciative and extends her heartfelt gratitude to everyone at One Simple Wish for helping her in creating an unforgettable vacation for him. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. -Jessica"

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