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A Mini Fridge for Irshad's dorm room at Arizona State University

Posted Aug 22, 2022
Irshad is starting college at ASU in August and he is super excited to be continuing his education in public policy. Irshad would like a mini fridge to keep waters and snacks in his room for when he is hard at work studying and completing his assignments. Irshad is an incredibly hard working young man, and in addition to attending ASU full time, he also works at a nearby hotel. Because he is living on campus, he has to purchase a meal plan, so he chose the cheapest option, where he can get one meal per day at the dining halls on campus. Irshad chose this meal plan because he is trying to take out as little as possible in loans for his education. Irshad would greatly benefit by having a mini fridge for his dorm room so he can cook cheap and healthy meals for himself. By having a mini fridge for his dorm room, Irshad will be able to buy healthy snacks to keep in his room for when he is studying. Additionally, Irshad will be able to save money by not having to purchase a more expensive meal plan, which would mean he would have to take out more loans to pay for this.

Irshad is 21 years old and lives in AZ

Irshad is a refugee from Afghanistan and speaks a few dialects from his country of origin. He graduated from high school this semester and is interested in studying public policy at college. Irshad was selected by the faculty as demonstrating outstanding leadership. Irshad is a very intelligent and thoughtful youth. He likes playing soccer with his friends, practicing wrestling, and loves going to the movie theater. Irshad enjoys going to Starbucks to read, do homework, and chat with his friends.

The Wish Story

Catholic Charities requests this wish for Irshad.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

The George Scheid Fund grants the wish for Irshad! Thanks The George Scheid Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Catholic Charities for Irshad.

Irshad receives the gift from Catholic Charities !

"Thank you generous person for sending this fridge to Irshad! He was so happy and appreciative to receive it and we appreciate you. "

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