A PS4 for Kevin who has lost a lot and needs to connect with his friends
Posted Aug 26, 2022
Kevin has been in and out of placement a few times, been homeless with his mother and siblings, and has dealt with things no child should have to deal with. Kevin has been coping really well the past few years through all of the changes and back and forth, but recently he's been struggling. He is back in placement and is at an age where he just wants to be with and protect his mom but he can't. On a lesser but still tragic scale; while homeless, his belongings were stolen or broken. He had a bike, that's gone. He had a basketball and football; they are gone. He had trading cards; they are gone. And most importantly to a 14 year old boy who just keeps losing everything was his PS4. Kevin's caseworker's heart broke talking with Kevin about all of his losses, physically and emotionally. Kevin is now placed with an Aunt, and she needs to buy him new clothes, shoes, and school supplies. The Division is trying to provide whatever possible, but a PS4 is not a necessity. It is however very important for Kevin to be able to connect with his friends again and have an outlet when he needs a break. A PS4 would make Kevin's life a little brighter at this really difficult time in his life.
Division of Child Protection and Permanency requests this wish for Kevin.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Christian grants the wish for Kevin! Thanks Christian.
"Kevin, we hope this PS4 brings you as much happiness as ours brought us! As gamers, we get it and know how it is a nice escape from time to time. We had struggles, not unlike your own, when we were growing up too. Hang in there. There is good in this world. There is compassion around us and people are better than their circumstances. We wish you well and have fun!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency for Kevin.
Kevin receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Monmouth County