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A Trip to Seekonk Grand Prix for Prachit who loves arcade games

Posted Aug 26, 2022
Prachit would love an unlimited pass for Seekonk Grand Prix so he can ride the go-karts with his brothers. Prachit also loves playing arcade games and would have a great time going on all the other rides. He has never been before, but his oldest brother has already told him how much fun it is and they can't wait to experience this together!

Prachit is 11 years old and lives in RI

Prachit is an energetic and sweet boy who adores his siblings. He is the second youngest of 6 children. Prachit's favorite activities are playing with LEGO's and pretending to be a super hero. He also loves playing his Nintendo Switch and watching cartoons in his free time. Prachit loves school and is looking forward to meeting new friends. Prachit has moved several times in foster care through no fault of his own, but he has remained very positive and is happy to be in a home with his two brothers.

The Wish Story

North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program requests this wish for Prachit.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Prachit! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hope you have a lot of fun on the go-karts!! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program for Prachit.

North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program receives the wish!

Prachit receives the gift from North American Family Institute, Professional Parent Program!

"Thank you so much for granting Prachit's wish! He is looking forward to spending time with his brothers playing arcade games and going on the rides. Prachit and his brothers will have a great time! Your generosity is greatly appreciated. "

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