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A Cozy Canoe Sensory Pod for Kyren who loves deep pressure input

Posted Sep 1, 2022
Kyren is a complex child who is sensory seeking while also being sensory avoiding. He seeks out deep pressure input and likes to be hugged really tight or swaddled like a baby. He also likes to be in tight spaces and under furniture where he says he feels safe. His occupational therapist noticed that the first thing he goes to is their Cozy Canoe sensory pod and has suggested that Kyren would benefit greatly from having one at home. He can get inside and feel the deep pressure, he would be in a tight space while also being able to see what is going on around him and still interact with the family. Kyren's grandmother can already see how happy he would be to have the deep pressure input while feeling safe at the same time. He would such a happy and regulated little guy!

Kyren is 10 years old and lives in AL

Kyren is unbelievably smart and knows everything there is to know about almost every dinosaur. He is a Math whiz and asks to do Math problems for fun. He could fish all day long and catches some pretty nice size bass all on his own. Bigger than his grandpa catches! He has been swimming and diving since he was 3. He loves bugs and frogs and turtles. He had a very traumatic start in life though and was born with a long list of illegal drugs in his system which kept him in the NICU withdrawing for almost 2 months where he coded twice. He suffered a lot of abuse and neglect and was locked in a room for days while his bios were on drug binges. He was finally removed when baby sister was born addicted and placed with his grandparents the next morning where he has been since. He was soon diagnosed with Autism then severe ADHD, PTSD, SPD, RAD and ODD soon followed. But this little guy is a trooper and will make his mark on the world one day.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Zachary grants the wish for Kyren! Thanks Zachary.

"Hope you enjoy Kyren!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for Kyren.

Nikki sent an update on the wish for Kyren.

"Kyren absolutely loves his Cozy Canoe sensory pod! He is sensory avoiding about a lot of things but he loves deep pressure input and this really helps with that. He asks to get inside several time throughout the day and uses it every evening when he has screen time. He is homeschooled and we have even done school work in when he couldn’t sit at the table. Thank you so much to his generous wish granted and to One Simple Wish for giving my sweet boy something that helps calm and regulate him. PS…his buddy, Rexy, likes the canoe too. He has had Rexy since the day he came to live with us and has become like an extra appendage to Kyren."

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