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A Shampoo Time Mini Mat for Nia to relax on when it is time to wash her hair

Posted Sep 2, 2022
Nia absolutely loves having a beautiful hair style. She models her new hair each time it gets done. However, washing it and braiding has become stressful and challenging her. She used this shampoo time mini mat at a friend's house and all of her anxiety and tears disappeared. This wish would mean a lot to her as hair day can be stressful and this mat and entertainment bar relieves her anxiety.

Jaconiah is 4 years old and lives in NC

Jaconiah, better known as Nia, is full of personality and life. She instantly brings a smile to everyone's face when they first meet her. She enjoys playing with her big sisters on the trampoline or going for family walks where she can sprint off all of her energy. When Nia isn't running around exploring her environment she loves reading books and can easily sit for 30 minutes while someone reads the books that she picks out.

The Wish Story

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OManagement Birthday grants the wish for Jaconiah! Thanks OManagement Birthday.

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