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About This Wish

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A Fishing Tackle Box for Evan who enjoys a peaceful day of fishing

Posted Sep 6, 2022
Evan enjoys using different lures for different kinds of fish, and would like a box to keep his fishing supplies organized. Fishing is an activity that he wasn't able to do when he was living with his biological family because he was always taking on the role of the parent to his younger siblings. This wish will give Evan an opportunity to keep his supplies in great shape, and help him to relax a bit and just be a kid.

Evan is 15 years old and lives in NJ

Evan is a pensive and responsible young man. He is not residing with his five younger brothers presently, because being apart from them temporarily is giving him a chance to be a child. Before he was removed from his mother, he took on a parental role and felt responsible if his younger brothers did not behave or if the house was not in order. He now has time to spend with friends, play basketball and fish - all activities he loves to do.

The Wish Story

CASA of Bergen County requests this wish for Evan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Evan! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA of Bergen County for Evan.

Evan receives the wish from CASA NJ - Bergen County

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