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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A New Pair of Workout Sneakers for Monique who uses exercise to relieve stress

Posted Sep 21, 2022
Monique is wishing for a new pair of workout sneakers from her favorite brand, Nike. Monique is a hard working college student who likes to hit the gym when she is not hitting the books. These new sneakers will put spring in Monique's step and ensure she can manage her stress while studying this academic year! With this wish she will be able to get a pair of Nike Air Max sneakers in black that will go with any outfit, and keeping her empowered with each trip to the gym.

Monique is 27 years old and lives in CA

Monique is a former foster youth studying political science in college. Her current goals are to raise her G.P.A and graduate with her Bachelor's. She then plans to apply for a Masters Program but is not sure which yet. Monique would love to be able to give back to the community she has been a part of growing up.

The Wish Story

UC Riverside Guardian Scholars requests this wish for Monique.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Account grants the wish for Monique! Thanks *OSW Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the UC Riverside Guardian Scholars for Monique.

Monique receives the wish from UC Riverside - Guardian Scholars Program

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