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A Chromebook for Juana's to use for classes

Posted Oct 3, 2022
Juana just graduated from high school and is currently taking full-time english classes before she can apply to college. The village where Juana grew up had their own language so when she came to the US she started to learn both English and Spanish at a very fast pace. She's now fluent in Spanish and she's working on improving her English. To do so, she needs a laptop to be able to participate in her class, however the one she had recently broke and is beyond repair. Juana is a full-time student and mom and saving enough money to buy a new Chromebook is not possible at this time. Help Juana have access to classes and fulfilling her dream of going to college!

Juana is 23 years old and lives in MA

Juana is Originally from Central America, she came to the US a few years ago in hopes of a better life for herself and her baby girl. Juana is brave, joyful, has a contagious smile, is hardworking, and a wonderful friend, mother and human. She recently graduated from HS and is working on improving her English before she applies to college. Juana likes dance, spend time with friends and her mentor, but more than anything she likes to have quality time with her little one.

The Wish Story

Silver Lining Mentoring requests this wish for Juana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Life After Care grants the wish for Juana! Thanks Life After Care.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Silver Lining Mentoring for Juana.

Juana receives the gift from Silver Lining Mentoring!

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