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A New Refrigerator for Amazin's first apartment

Posted Oct 17, 2022
Amazin has moved into a new apartment, but it does not come with the major appliances one would normally have. The landlord typically has each tenant bring in their own appliances like a range or refrigerator. Amazin would love to at least start off her new place with an appliance that can hold her food. Amazin is without transportation and relies on the public bus system. Having a refrigerator purchased from a store that can deliver will be so helpful, and Amazin will be deeply grateful for this support as she makes her apartment feel more like home.

Amazin is 25 years old and lives in CA

Amazin is former foster youth who has been on her own for some time now. She likes reading, organizing things, learning new languages, and painting. She is looking forward to establishing herself with her job and hopefully getting a promotion to a higher position. Amazin has had to overcome many adversities, but she likes to focus on how far she's come in life.

The Wish Story

Think of Us requests this wish for Amazin.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Life After Care grants the wish for Amazin! Thanks Life After Care.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Amazin.

Think of Us receives the wish!

Amazin receives the gift from Think of Us!

"Please see the upload."

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