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About This Wish

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A Fish Tank for Jacqulyne to grant he serenity and peace

Posted Oct 25, 2022
Jacqulyne loves the ocean and beach. Jacqulyne is very excited about her agriculture class. They have been taking care of different animals. However, Jacqulyne true love is fish. She would love to upgrade her small fish tank for a bigger one. She has been researching and studying all the things she needs to do to keep her tank clean and the fish safe. She even knows which fish work well together. This tank is 55 gallons and will give her an awesome place to keep her fish. She will be so excited to find this awesome new tank under the Christmas tree.

Jacqulyne is 19 years old and lives in TX

Jacqulyne is a loving and sweet girl with a beautiful smile that melts the hearts of everyone around her. She is very talkative, outgoing, and clever! Now that she is in high school, she is trying to find herself and her passions. She loves socializing with friends, playing video games, and making jewelry. She also likes to watch TV and listen to music. She is very proud when she does well in school and loves when her accomplishments are recognized.

The Wish Story

Department of Family and protective Services requests this wish for Jacqulyne.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jacqulyne! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas Jacquelyne! I am a high school science teacher in Houston, with an education in marine biology. Your wish spoke to my heart, because there’s nowhere I find more peace than in the ocean with the fish. What a great wish to have them right in your house! I hope you continue to find joy in science, the ocean, and in learning new things! Best wishes and a very happy holidays to you and the people you love :) "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Family and protective Services for Jacqulyne.

Department of Family and protective Services receives the wish!

Jacqulyne receives the gift from Department of Family and protective Services!

"Jaq said thank you and jumped up and down for joy "

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