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A Shure Microphone for Felero who is finishing his degree in Philosophy and starting a podcast

Posted Nov 2, 2022
Felero is finishing his BA in Philosophy and working to start a podcast. He is wishing for this Shure microphone to ensure that he can record his guests with clear sound. Shure microphones are the best in the business, and are the gold standard for successful podcasting. Felero is an incredibly deep thinker who has earned a prestigious grant to examine how race plays out in academic spaces and social movements. He plans to use this microphone and his podcast to bring these kinds of issues out into the open and encourage productive dialogue. This wish for a Shure microphone truly supports Felero's personal and professional growth.

Felero is 38 years old and lives in CA

Felero is an amazing young man; he has had to overcome many hurdles to finally make it to the university where he is a student. He is a junior college transfer, at his junior college he was a honors student. Now at his university he is also enrolled in their prestigious honors program. Felero's hobbies include, reading, playing basketball, and recently he started a podcast. He is a true renaissance man, with his interests varying so widely, he is still unsure what he wants to do when he graduates. Whatever he decides to do we are sure he will excel at it.

The Wish Story

UC Riverside Guardian Scholars requests this wish for Felero.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Felero! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the UC Riverside Guardian Scholars for Felero.

UC Riverside Guardian Scholars receives the wish!

Felero receives the gift from UC Riverside Guardian Scholars!

"Dear Donor, I want to thank you for having faith in my potential as a podcaster. I am a philosophy major and I like to think and talk through difficult problems. I am really looking forward to being able to learn with my guests and share my thoughts with others through the use of this professional microphone. Thank you for supporting my dreams. Felero"

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