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A Playhouse for Lea who loves playing outdoors

Posted Nov 16, 2022
Lea loves to play outside. Whenever her volunteer visits her, she and her sister always want to be in the backyard. Lea has asked for a playhouse from Santa this year. She can't wait to pretend she is a little princess, having tea and playing with her sister in her big new cottage playhouse in the backyard. She will be so excited to show her new playhouse to everyone who comes over to visit her.

Lea is 10 years old and lives in NC

Lea is a sweet, loving and charming girl, living with her grandparents! She loves to watch cartoons, play with dolls and read books. Lea has recently shown an interest in helping her grandmother cook and she is really good at mashing potatoes. School is going well with Lea, but she struggles with reading and is getting some extra help with that. She also loves hugging, especially her baby sister.

The Wish Story

Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County requests this wish for Lea.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Lea! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you like your new playhouse Princess Lea. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County for Lea.

Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County receives the wish!

Lea receives the gift from Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County!

"Thank you so much for granting Lea's wish for a new playhouse. She will have hours and hours of imaginative play! Happy Holidays!"

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