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A Fidget Set to Sooth Sandy's anxiety and share with her siblings

Posted Dec 16, 2022
Sandy was placed in foster care with only the clothing on her back and the clothes in her locker. Sandy used to have a box full of fidgets to cope with the stress of life, siblings, and school. Sandy would use the fidgets to keep her siblings occupied and not fight with each other. Sandy would be truly grateful to have a fidget set again for her to share with her siblings and use to soothe her anxiety.

Sandy is 17 years old and lives in NE

Sandy is an athletic girl who is working hard to get good grades this year. Sandy loves playing volleyball and basketball. Sandy loves the color purple and spends much of her time doing homework and taking care of her siblings! Sandy has dreams of going to college one day and making an amazing life for herself. Sandy loves rainy days and rainbows.

The Wish Story

Nebraska children and family services requests this wish for sandy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Sandy! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas & Best wishes"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Nebraska children and family services for Sandy.

Sandy receives the wish from NE DHHS - Platte County

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