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A Cool Water Bottle for Jeremy who wants to stay hydrated at school

Posted Nov 19, 2022
Jeremy is in need of a water bottle for school so he can have a drink at the ready all the time. He saw this super cool all black Gatorade bottle at Dick's Sporting Goods, and he thinks it will work perfectly for his needs. This wish will make a great stocking stuffer for Jeremy this year.

Jeremy is 14 years old and lives in NJ

Jeremy is one of eight children in his home. Jeremy is trying very hard this year to get his grades up. He has matured greatly. In previous years, Jeremy was in self contained classroom where he could not interact with the general population students. Jeremy has managed to be successfully transitioned out of the self contained classroom. He has gained self awareness and resources to managing his emotions. He is able to verbalize his feelings and shows interests in building social relationships. Jeremy seeks to be the first in his family to complete high school.

The Wish Story

The PATH- Wellspring Center for Prevention requests this wish for Jeremy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jeremy! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hey Jeremy! I hope this super cool water bottle will help you at school. School can be really tough sometimes but I know you’ve got the brains and courage to get through it and be successful. Every time you fill it up think of a lady who loves you and is thinking of you. That will be me!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The PATH- Wellspring Center for Prevention for Jeremy.

Jeremy receives the wish from Wellspring Center for Prevention

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