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About This Wish

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A LEGO storage chest for Donte to keep all of his LEGO's in one spot

Posted May 11, 2018
Donte loves LEGO's. He loves to build and create with them. Donte has so many LEGO's that he is afraid he will lose them if they are not put away properly. He has had his eye on this storage chest for a while now and thinks it is the perfect thing to store all of his LEGO's in.

Donte is 18 years old and lives in NJ

Donte loves to always put others first, and is a great honor roll student. He loves football, video games, coloring, racing, dancing, music and electronics.

The Wish Story

Charity Kings Inc. - Asbury Park, NJ requests this wish for Donte.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Seven Bridges grants the wish for Donte! Thanks Seven Bridges.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Charity Kings Inc. - Asbury Park, NJ for Donte.

sherrice sent an update on the wish for Donte.

"Thank you for granting Donte's wish. The Lego storage box was big enough to store all of his lego collection."

Charity Kings Inc. - Asbury Park, NJ receives the wish!

Donte receives the gift from Charity Kings Inc. - Asbury Park, NJ!

"Thank you for granting Donte's wish. The Lego storage box was big enough to store all of his lego collection."

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